*Disclaimer: Hasil yang dialami mungkin bisa berbeda dengan orang lain tergantung usaha, konsistensi, dan tubuh masing-masing individu.

Sertifikat BPOM dan Halal MUI Susu Etawa Gamamilk

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(Lihat Testimoni Customer Gamamilk)

Copyright © 2024 Gamamilk - PT Sahada Laku Utama
IMPORTANT : Medical and Legal Disclaimers

The information provided by Gamamilk ("we", "us", or "our") on/or contain gamamilk.com (the "Site") is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith. However, we make no representation or warranty of any kind. Under no circumstances shall we have any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the site or reliance on any information provided on the site. Your use of the site and your reliance on any information on the site is solely at your own risk.

This site can not and does not contain medical/health advice. The medical/health information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. We encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals before taking any actions base upon such information.

The Site may content testimonials by users of our products. These testimonials reflect the real-life experiences and opinions of such users. However the experiences are personal to those particular users, and may not necessarily be representative of all users of our products and/or services. Your individual results may vary.